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The #7 Strategy: ETHERIC System 

Entering the Field of Unlimited Energy.

The Sense of Purpose is the 7th step towards healing & smart lifestyle

If the Electromagnetic body is all about the energy flowing (or blocking) within us, then the Etheric body is about the energy resources outside our beings. "Everything is energy" is about this body. This is where all infinite versions of you and your life scenarios are available as pure potential. This body is beyond our understanding because the mind alone cannot grasp a concept that the ocean and the drop have the same potential.​ But we can feel and experience it through the social paradigm: every person is a 'drop' in the whole family of human kind. So, answering the questions 'what do I bring into this world? what is my Purpose here?' is an important part of healing and self-empowerment.

Being socially engaged by helping others promotes healthy energy flows, connecting us to the source of unlimited possibilities.​

​​If you don't know how to direct the flow of your energy, it will flow where others direct it!


Therefore, after realigning the environment, unfolding the sense of purpose, social engagementand kindness 

is our number one priority. ​​​​​​​​​​



The "ETHERIC System" SEMINAR:​​​​​

During this seminar we will first offer a deep understanding of how energy is perceived by human beings, and how the social paradigm and sense of purpose are related to the energy flow. Where do you invest your energy? We'll delve into the knowledge of how every action or non-action matters and contributes to the whole.​ We'll also share the results of researches on how social engagement 

contributes to health and wellbeing.


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We will offer the experience of different energy flows and (re)sources, and practice to direct and manage the energy. Together we will look into the definition of your sense of purpose, and train kindness as it was a muscle. 




At the final part of the seminar, the list of the tasks will be shared, and do's & dont's for the coming month that will help to create space for the new energies and processes. We'll share tips and tricks to stay connected to the Source of unlimited possibilities in every-day life. 



​​​Our SUPPORT:​

Support is essential in the self-healing process. On Sunday's we will meet on location or on-line to share personal experience, to get inspired by the experience of others, and ask all the questions.




creating a steady reality of health and longevity based on new sources of energy, leading to high vibrational impact.   


Q & A's:

We encourage you to ask your questions during the weekly meetings, when there is enough time for every answer.


"From my self-healing experience, I can reassure, that the information, tips and especially our support is absolute GOLD for any natural healing process!


When I started my self-healing journey I didn't have anybody to guide me through. It felt quite lonely and very challenging to stay strong and loyal to the healing on everyday basis: to get the guidance and support like this was a dream!

At that time I was also struggling financially - the potential help that I could find on internet cost thousands of Euros. I could only dream of such guidance and support for only €35 a month!" ​


Yours, Viktoria

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